NIN Data Sharing Enhances Seamless Passport Issuance – NIMC Director General

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NIN Data Sharing

On Channels Television’s Newsnight program, the Director General of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), Abisoye Coker-Adesote, detailed the commission’s efforts to enroll every Nigerian in a unified database to streamline national transactions.

Challenges and Progress Since Taking Office

Q: How has the journey been since you assumed office, considering the crucial role of data in national management?

A: It’s been an intriguing journey with its challenges, but we’ve made significant progress. We’ve dedicated substantial effort to advance the commission’s goals.

Q: Facing challenges was expected, but how have you managed them?

A: Interestingly, I excel in challenging environments. We hit the ground running and have been addressing these issues head-on.

Current Enrollment Status and Future Goals

Q: With the critical role of the national identity number (NIN), how many Nigerians have been enrolled so far?

A: To date, we’ve enrolled over 107 million Nigerians, which is a commendable milestone, covering over 50% of the population. We’re focused on increasing this number and have introduced a five-point agenda to tackle the issues raised by Nigerians, such as delayed identity card issuance and difficulties in modifying NIN data. Our goal is to make the process seamless for all Nigerians, including women, children, the disabled, and even those in prisons, ensuring everyone has a digital identity.

Integration of Databases for Efficiency

Q: Many Nigerians face repeated data capturing for different services like driver’s licenses and bank accounts. How are you addressing this?

A: We aim to unify all databases to prevent them from operating in silos. By centralizing data collection, a single foundational identity will serve all needs. This means your information will be used across different services, from driver’s licenses to healthcare and educational programs, ensuring efficiency and reducing redundant data capturing.

Streamlining Processes with NIN

Q: Will this eliminate the need for multiple data capturing sessions?

A: Yes, in two layers. Firstly, your biodata can already be auto-populated using your NIN when you enter it into relevant portals. This reduces the time needed for filling out forms. Secondly, we’re working towards biometric verification. Eventually, NIMC will handle all biometric data, allowing other government agencies to retrieve this information electronically, eliminating the need for repeated capturing, except in specific cases like for children whose data changes as they grow.

READ ALSO: NCC Directs Telcos: Link NIN to Your Number by February 28 or Face Service Bar 

Q: So, for example, the immigration process will be more straightforward?

A: Exactly. By entering your NIN on their portal, your biodata is automatically populated. Any additional required information can be filled in subsequently, saving considerable time. Our ultimate goal is to make biometric verification universal, so all government forms can be populated electronically with existing data, significantly streamlining the process.

Future Enhancements and Digital Identity for All

The NIMC is dedicated to ensuring that every Nigerian is enrolled in the central database, thereby simplifying and enhancing access to various services. By integrating and harmonizing databases across ministries and agencies, the commission is working towards a seamless, efficient, and inclusive identity management system that benefits all citizens.

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