IIya sutskever

OpenAI’s Former Chief Scientist Launches New Startup Focused on Superintelligence

IIya sutskever

When Ilya Sutskever, former chief scientist at OpenAI, departed the company in May, it left many people wondering why. Recent internal turmoil at OpenAI and a brief lawsuit by early backer Elon Musk fueled speculation, with the internet buzzing about the “What did Ilya see” meme. This meme suggested that Sutskever might have observed something concerning about CEO Sam Altman’s management of OpenAI.

Enter Safe Superintelligence

Sutskever’s new venture may shed light on his departure. On Wednesday, Sutskever announced via Twitter that he is founding a new company called Safe Superintelligence.

“We will pursue safe superintelligence in a straight shot, with one focus, one goal, and one product. We will do it through revolutionary breakthroughs produced by a small, cracked team,” Sutskever tweeted.

Focus on Safety

The company’s website features a message signed by Sutskever and co-founders Daniel Gross and Daniel Levy. Gross co-founded the search engine Cue, which Apple acquired in 2013, while Levy led the Optimization team at OpenAI. The message underscores safety as the cornerstone of their mission to build artificial superintelligence.

“We approach safety and capabilities in tandem, as technical problems to be solved through revolutionary engineering and scientific breakthroughs. We plan to advance capabilities as fast as possible while making sure our safety always remains ahead,” the message reads. “Our singular focus means no distraction by management overhead or product cycles, and our business model means safety, security, and progress are all insulated from short-term commercial pressures.”

Sutskever’s Departure and OpenAI’s Safety Concerns

Sutskever has not publicly detailed his reasons for leaving OpenAI, instead praising its “miraculous” progress. However, his new company’s emphasis on safety suggests a possible motivation. Critics, including Musk, have accused OpenAI of recklessness in developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). Sutskever’s exit, along with others from OpenAI’s safety team, hints that the company may have been lax in ensuring AGI’s safe development. Musk has also criticized Microsoft’s involvement in OpenAI, alleging that the nonprofit has become a “closed-source de facto subsidiary” of Microsoft.

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The Road Ahead for Safe Superintelligence

In an interview with Bloomberg, Sutskever and his co-founders did not reveal any backers, though Gross mentioned that raising capital would not be an issue for the startup. It remains unclear whether Safe Superintelligence’s work will be open source.


The launch of Safe Superintelligence marks a new chapter for Ilya Sutskever and raises important questions about the future of AI safety. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, the balance between rapid advancement and cautious safety measures will be crucial. With Sutskever at the helm, Safe Superintelligence aims to pioneer a path where groundbreaking AI developments are meticulously aligned with robust safety protocols.

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Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6: Key Upgrade to Thrill Pro Photographers

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6

While Samsung has recently unveiled the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and the Galaxy Z Fold 6, these phones won’t hit the market until July 24. In the meantime, there’s a buzz about a significant upgrade that’s sure to excite professional photographers.

Rumored Upgrade: Expert RAW App Support

According to a tip from @theonecid, shared by Android Authority, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is rumored to support Samsung’s Expert RAW app. This app offers pro photographers enhanced control over their images, allowing for a higher degree of customization and precision.

If this rumor proves accurate, it will mark the first time Samsung’s flip foldables will support the advanced photo-taking app since the series debuted in 2020. This addition would undoubtedly make the Galaxy Z Flip 6 more appealing to photography enthusiasts considering a new purchase.

Understanding RAW Photography

Professional photographers often favor RAW images for digital photos. Unlike standard image formats, RAW files receive minimal automatic processing, capturing the picture in its most unaltered form. This means no automatic adjustments to brightness, contrast, or color balance, giving photographers complete control over the final look of their images.

Typically, the photo you see on your phone screen undergoes several background tweaks to enhance its appearance. However, with RAW, all these adjustments are left to the photographer, allowing for a more authentic and customizable editing process. While RAW images may initially appear poorly lit or unbalanced, they offer much greater potential for detailed and precise editing.

The Benefits of RAW Files

RAW files stand out from other image formats because they are uncompressed, retaining more raw data for users to work with. This means they take up more storage space but provide extensive editing possibilities. With the Expert RAW app, photographers can also enjoy more control over camera settings and zoom levels, further enhancing their ability to capture the perfect shot.

READ ALSO: Whistleblowers Claim OpenAI’s NDAs Are Illegally Restrictive

Awaiting Confirmation

As of now, Samsung hasn’t officially commented on this potential upgrade. It’s possible that we won’t have confirmation until the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is in users’ hands. However, if true, this feature will significantly enhance the device’s appeal to serious photographers.

What This Means for Users

For professional and aspiring photographers alike, the inclusion of the Expert RAW app in the Galaxy Z Flip 6 could be a game-changer. This feature would not only elevate the phone’s camera capabilities but also position it as a top choice for those seeking advanced photography tools in a compact, foldable design.


The rumored support for the Expert RAW app in the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 promises to bring a new level of sophistication and control to mobile photography. As we await the phone’s release, this potential upgrade adds an exciting dimension to the anticipation surrounding Samsung’s latest foldable innovation.

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Whistleblowers Claim OpenAI’s NDAs Are Illegally Restrictive


Whistleblowers have come forward with serious accusations against OpenAI, alleging that the company’s non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) place illegal restrictions on employee communication with government regulators. This claim, outlined in a letter obtained by The Washington Post, has sparked significant concern.

Whistleblowers Take Legal Action

The whistleblowers, represented by their lawyers, addressed their concerns to Gary Gensler, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Their letter, tied to a formal complaint, urges the SEC to scrutinize OpenAI’s severance, non-disparagement, and non-disclosure agreements.

According to the letter, these agreements allegedly discouraged employees and investors from reporting securities violations to the SEC. Furthermore, they supposedly forced employees to waive their rights to whistleblower incentives and compensation, and mandated that they inform OpenAI of any communications with government regulators.

Evidence of Illegal Restrictions

The letter asserts that there is evidence showing OpenAI’s previous NDAs violated the law. It claims these agreements imposed illegally restrictive conditions on employees as a prerequisite for employment, severance payments, and other financial benefits.

OpenAI’s Response and Ongoing Criticism

While OpenAI did not immediately respond to TechCrunch’s request for comment, a spokesperson for the company told The Washington Post that their whistleblower policy is designed to protect employees’ rights to make protected disclosures.

Senator Grassley Weighs In

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has also been involved, with his office confirming that The Washington Post obtained a copy of the letter from them. Senator Grassley emphasized the importance of monitoring and mitigating AI-related threats, highlighting Congress’s role in safeguarding national security. He stressed that whistleblowers are crucial to this task and criticized OpenAI’s policies for potentially silencing these vital voices.

“OpenAI’s policies and practices appear to cast a chilling effect on whistleblowers’ right to speak up and receive due compensation for their protected disclosures,” Grassley stated. He also mentioned that for the federal government to effectively oversee artificial intelligence, OpenAI’s NDAs need to be reformed.

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Previous Controversies and Promises of Reform

Earlier this year, OpenAI faced backlash over its employee exit agreements. These agreements reportedly included provisions that would strip former employees of their vested equity if they refused to sign the documents or violated their NDAs. In response, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman apologized, stating he was “very sorry.” He also claimed the company had “never clawed anything back” and was “already in the process of fixing the standard exit paperwork.”

The Path Forward

This situation raises important questions about the balance between protecting company secrets and ensuring employees can report wrongdoing without fear of retaliation. As the SEC investigates these allegations, OpenAI will likely face increased scrutiny over its employment practices and whistleblower policies. The outcome of this case could set a significant precedent for how tech companies handle NDAs and whistleblower protections moving forward.

The allegations against OpenAI highlight the ongoing tension between corporate confidentiality and regulatory transparency. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve and integrate into various aspects of society, the importance of safeguarding ethical practices within AI companies cannot be overstated. Whistleblowers play a crucial role in this process, and their ability to report concerns without fear of retaliation is essential for maintaining integrity and accountability in the industry.

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Donald Trump’accounts

Meta lift the special restrictions on Donald Trump’s accounts

Donald Trump’accounts

Meta has decided to lift the special restrictions on former President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, aiming to provide an equal platform for all Presidential candidates as we head into the 2024 elections.

Trump’s Social Media Accounts Reinstated

Back in January 2023, Meta reinstated Trump’s social media profiles, but with stricter penalties than other users. Under these heightened rules, Trump risked a two-year ban for violating Meta’s community standards. Fast forward to now, Meta has announced that Trump will be subject to the same penalties as any other user on Facebook and Instagram.

The Standard Rules

So, what are these standard rules? For the average user, a violation of Facebook’s Community Standards starts with a warning. Accumulate two strikes, and you could be banned from certain posting features for a limited time. Seven violations get you a full-day posting ban, and ten strikes result in a month-long suspension.

“In assessing our responsibility to allow political expression, we believe that the American people should be able to hear from the nominees for President on the same basis,” Meta stated in their blog post.

The Original Ban

Trump’s initial ban came in the aftermath of the January 6 insurrection in 2021. At that time, Facebook was Trump’s go-to platform to connect with his supporters. CEO Mark Zuckerberg justified the ban by saying, “the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great.” Since then, Trump has returned to Facebook, engaging his 34 million followers, but he’s now more active on his own platform, Truth Social.

Timing and Context

This rollback of penalties comes right before the 2024 Republican National Convention. Meta emphasized that the heightened suspension penalties were always intended for extreme situations and had not been used against Trump since their introduction.

Recent Developments

Earlier this week, Trump stirred the pot with a threatening post on Truth Social directed at Mark Zuckerberg. He vowed to imprison “election fraudsters” and referred to the Meta CEO as “Zuckerbucks,” adding a warning for Zuckerberg to “be careful.”

By lifting these special restrictions, Meta is positioning itself as a neutral platform for political discourse as we approach the next Presidential election. Whether this move will indeed level the playing field or stir further controversy remains to be seen.

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Public Reaction and Implications

The public reaction to Meta’s decision has been mixed, to say the least. Supporters of Trump see this as a victory for free speech and political fairness. They argue that every candidate should have the same access to platforms that can significantly influence public opinion. On the other hand, critics are concerned about the potential for misinformation and incendiary rhetoric, especially given the tumultuous nature of Trump’s previous social media activity.

Meta’s Commitment to Fairness

Meta insists that this decision is about fairness and ensuring an equal playing field for all presidential candidates. The company reiterated that their primary goal is to facilitate open political discourse. By holding Trump to the same standards as any other user, Meta aims to show its commitment to impartiality and fair treatment.

“In a democratic society, it is crucial that candidates for public office are able to communicate their messages to the electorate,” Meta said. “Our updated policies reflect this commitment to a fair and open dialogue.”

The Bigger Picture

This move by Meta is part of a larger conversation about the role of social media in politics. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have immense power in shaping public discourse and opinion. The rules and regulations they enforce can significantly impact the visibility and reach of political messages. By standardizing penalties, Meta is attempting to navigate the complex landscape of digital political engagement.

Challenges Ahead

Despite Meta’s intentions, the path forward is fraught with challenges. Monitoring and enforcing community standards on such a large scale is no small feat. The company will need to be vigilant in ensuring that all users, including high-profile political figures, adhere to the rules. There is also the ongoing debate about what constitutes free speech versus harmful rhetoric.

A New Era for Social Media?

As we approach the 2024 elections, all eyes will be on how Meta and other social media platforms handle the influx of political content. Will this move to equalize penalties create a more balanced environment, or will it lead to further polarization? Only time will tell.

Meta’s decision to lift special restrictions on Trump’s accounts marks a significant moment in the evolving relationship between social media and politics. As the landscape continues to change, one thing is certain: the role of platforms like Facebook and Instagram in shaping our political future is more crucial than ever.

By striving for fairness and open dialogue, Meta is setting the stage for a contentious and highly scrutinized election season. Whether this approach will be successful in promoting a healthy democratic process remains to be seen, but it is a step toward addressing the complex dynamics of modern political communication.

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Threads API launch

Meta Unveils Threads API for Developers: New Opportunities for Third-Party Integrations

Threads API launch

Meta has launched the Threads API, opening new doors for developers and third-party businesses to integrate their applications with the Threads platform. Announced in a blog post by Jesse Chen, Threads’ director of engineering, this API will enable a wide range of functionalities and integrations.

Key Features of the Threads API

The Threads API offers developers the ability to:

  • Publish custom posts including images, videos, text, and carousels
  • Analyze performance metrics
  • Access follower demographics
  • Automate reply tools

According to the blog post, “People can now publish posts via the API, fetch their own content, and leverage our reply management capabilities to set reply and quote controls, retrieve replies to their posts, hide, unhide or respond to specific replies.”

Announcement and Developer Resources

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the availability of the Threads API on Threads, stating, “The Threads API is now widely available, and coming to more of you soon.”

To assist developers, Meta has provided an open-source sample app and a guide on using the API. Interested developers can fill out a form to get started. Note that Threads accounts are limited to 250 API-published posts per 24 hours.

Testing and Collaborations

Meta began testing the Threads API earlier this year with partners like Hootsuite, Techmeme, Sprinklr, Social News Desk, Grabyo, and Sprout Social. The beta phase started in April 2023.

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Elina Vilk, Hootsuite’s chief marketing officer, expressed excitement about the integration: “Threads is a fast-growing network that reflects where social is headed, and the capabilities that this API integration makes possible for our customers is taking Hootsuite’s mission of unlocking social relationships to a new level.”

Threads’ Evolution and Challenges

Since its launch in July 2023, Threads has experienced a fluctuating user base, peaking at 150 million users in April after a significant dip in August 2023. The platform has introduced features like trending topics, a TweetDeck-like column view, post archiving, and a Tinder-like swipe feature.

However, Threads has also faced challenges, including accessibility issues and reports of hate speech and controversial posts. Despite these hurdles, Meta has been proactive in adding fact-checkers to combat misinformation and improve user experience.


The launch of the Threads API marks a significant step in Meta’s effort to enhance the functionality and integration capabilities of the Threads platform. With the new API, developers and businesses can create more dynamic and engaging social media experiences, driving the platform’s growth and utility.

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Apple installment payment

Apple Discontinues Apple Pay Later: What’s Next for Installment Payments?

Apple installment payment
Image credit: Apple

Apple has officially discontinued Apple Pay Later, but a new installment payment solution is on the horizon. The move comes with the promise of a more flexible and globally accessible service.

The End of Apple Pay Later

Apple Pay Later, introduced at WWDC 2022 and launched in the U.S. in March 2023, allowed users to split payments into installments without additional fees or interest. Initially available to a limited group, it expanded to all U.S. users by October 2023, supporting payments between $75 and $1,000.

On Monday, Apple confirmed to 9to5Mac that it has stopped offering Apple Pay Later. However, existing users can still manage their remaining loans through the Wallet app.

A New Global Service Coming Soon

Later this year, Apple plans to introduce a new service enabling installment loans through credit and debit cards, as well as through various lenders, during checkout with Apple Pay. This service is set to be available globally, marking a significant expansion from the U.S.-only Apple Pay Later.

Apple emphasized their commitment to providing secure and private payment options. This new solution aims to bring flexible payment methods to more users worldwide, collaborating with Apple Pay-enabled banks and lenders.

Upcoming Features and Partnerships

At this year’s WWDC, Apple unveiled several new payment-related features. These include “Tap to Cash,” allowing users to send cash by holding their phones together. Apple also partnered with fintech company Affirm to offer installment loans for eligible credit and debit cards. These features will roll out with iOS 18, scheduled to launch in the fall alongside new iPhones.


While Apple Pay Later is no longer available, Apple is gearing up to launch a new, globally accessible installment payment service. This initiative, combined with other innovative payment features, underscores Apple’s ongoing commitment to enhancing user-friendly financial solutions.

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Ban on iPhones

Elon Musk Warns Against Apple’s ChatGPT Integration, Threatens Ban on iPhones at His Companies

Ban on iPhones

Ban on iPhones

Elon Musk is considering banning iPhones across all his companies following Apple’s announcement of new OpenAI integrations at WWDC 2024. In a series of posts on X, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and xAI expressed concerns, stating that if Apple integrates OpenAI at the operating system level, Apple devices would be prohibited from his businesses. Visitors would have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they would be stored in a Faraday cage.


Musk’s posts seem to misinterpret the partnership announced by Apple and OpenAI, or at the very least, he casts doubt on user privacy. While Apple and OpenAI emphasized that users must give consent before any questions, documents, or photos are sent to ChatGPT, Musk argues that OpenAI’s integration into Apple’s OS could potentially access private data.

In iOS 18, Apple revealed that users could ask Siri questions, and if ChatGPT could provide a better answer, Siri would request permission to share the question and present the answer directly. This feature allows users to get responses from ChatGPT without opening the ChatGPT app. The same process applies to sharing photos, PDFs, or other documents with ChatGPT.

However, Musk prefers that OpenAI’s functionalities remain confined to a dedicated app rather than integrated with Siri.

Responding to Sam Pullara, VC and CTO at Sutter Hill Ventures, who noted that user approval is required for each request and OpenAI does not have device access, Musk replied, “Then leave it as an app. This is bullshit.”

Pullara explained that the ChatGPT integration is similar to how the current ChatGPT app operates. The on-device AI models are either developed by Apple or utilize Apple’s Private Cloud.

In response to a post by YouTuber Marques Brownlee, which provided further clarification on Apple Intelligence, Musk stated, “Apple using the words ‘protect your privacy’ while handing your data over to a third-party AI that they don’t understand and can’t themselves create is not protecting privacy at all!”

Musk also responded to a post by Apple CEO Tim Cook, threatening to ban Apple devices from his companies’ premises if Cook didn’t “stop this creepy spyware.”

“It’s absurd that Apple isn’t capable of creating their own AI yet claims to ensure OpenAI will protect your security & privacy,” Musk exclaimed. “Apple has no clue what’s happening once they hand your data over to OpenAI. They’re selling you down the river,” he added. Although Apple may not fully understand OpenAI’s inner workings, it’s technically the user’s choice to share data, not Apple’s.

Apple also announced an integration allowing users to access ChatGPT system-wide within Writing Tools via a “compose” feature. This feature lets users ask ChatGPT to write a bedtime story for a child or generate images to complement their writing. Users will be able to access ChatGPT for free without needing to create an account, which is excellent news for OpenAI as it anticipates a significant increase in requests from Apple users.

Musk appears to leverage user privacy concerns to gain attention. If users could choose their preferred AI bot for Siri or writing help, such as Anthropic’s Claude or xAI’s Grok, Musk might not voice such strong objections. (Apple hinted at the potential integration of Google Gemini in a post-keynote session.)

Apple reassured users that their requests and information are not logged, but ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts to access paid features within Apple’s AI experiences.

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“Users control when ChatGPT is used and will be asked before any information is shared. ChatGPT integration will come to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia later this year,” said Apple SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi. These features will be available only on iPhone Pro 15 models and devices with M1 or newer chips.

OpenAI echoed this sentiment in its blog post, noting that “requests are not stored by OpenAI, and users’ IP addresses are obscured. Users can also connect their ChatGPT account, meaning their data preferences will apply under ChatGPT’s policies.” This refers to the optional ability to connect the feature with a paid subscription.

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iOS 18 message scheduling

Apple Messages Finally Embraces RCS and Text Scheduling in iOS 18

iOS 18 message scheduling
Image credit: Apple.

Apple’s iMessage and Messages app in iOS 18 are set to introduce two highly anticipated features: the ability to schedule messages and support for RCS, a next-gen messaging standard. These updates will significantly enhance the user experience, especially for those communicating with Android users.

Groundbreaking Messaging Features in iOS 18

Introduction of Text Scheduling

For years, iPhone users have sought the ability to schedule messages. Until now, they’ve had to rely on third-party apps or cumbersome workarounds. iOS 18 changes this by allowing users to schedule messages directly within the Messages app. This feature is ideal for business professionals, night owls, and anyone who wants to ensure their messages are sent at the perfect time without waking someone up or missing important events.

Embracing RCS for Enhanced Messaging

The most significant update, however, is the support for Rich Communication Services (RCS). This next-gen messaging standard is set to replace SMS, resolving many issues faced when texting Android users. RCS will bring improved features such as typing indicators, read receipts, and higher quality media sharing, bridging the gap between iOS and Android communication.

Apple message iOS 18
Image credit: Apple

The Push for RCS Adoption

Google’s Advocacy and EU Regulations

Google has long advocated for Apple’s adoption of RCS to streamline communication between iOS and Android users. The ongoing “green bubble” debate, highlighted by the Wall Street Journal, has emphasized the need for a unified messaging standard. Although the EU ruled that iMessage wasn’t popular enough to mandate interoperability, regulatory scrutiny likely influenced Apple’s decision to support RCS.

READ ALSO: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Fired for ‘Outright Lying,’ Ex-Board Member Claims

Addressing Longstanding Issues

Apple’s reluctance to adopt RCS has historically led to a subpar messaging experience with Android users, including lack of end-to-end encryption, no typing indicators, and low-quality media. With iOS 18, Apple aims to resolve these issues, although RCS messages will still appear as green bubbles on Apple devices.

Future Improvements and Encryption

Apple has indicated plans to work with the GSMA to introduce end-to-end encryption for RCS, though this won’t be available at launch. This future update promises to enhance security and privacy for cross-platform messaging.


The introduction of message scheduling and RCS support in iOS 18 marks a significant improvement for Apple’s Messages app. These features cater to user demands for greater functionality and smoother communication with Android devices. As Apple continues to refine these updates, users can look forward to a more seamless and enriched messaging experience.

READ ALSO: Elon Musk Warns Against Apple’s ChatGPT Integration, Threatens Ban on iPhones at His Companies

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Sam Altman

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Fired for ‘Outright Lying,’ Ex-Board Member Claims

Sam Altman

In a revealing interview on The TED AI Show podcast, former OpenAI board member Helen Toner detailed the reasons behind the board’s decision to fire CEO Sam Altman in November last year. According to Toner, Altman was dismissed due to a history of obstructing and deceiving the board, creating a toxic workplace, and retaliating against critics.

Toner emphasized that the OpenAI board was established to prioritize the public good over profits. However, she claimed that Altman consistently made it difficult for the board to fulfill this mission by withholding information and misrepresenting company activities. She accused Altman of outright lying to the board on multiple occasions.

One major incident that Toner highlighted was the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, which the board learned about through social media rather than from Altman himself. Additionally, she alleged that Altman had not disclosed his ownership of the OpenAI startup fund, despite asserting that he had no financial interest in the company.

Toner also recounted how Altman reacted negatively to a research paper she co-authored, which critiqued OpenAI’s safety measures and praised a competitor. She claimed that Altman attempted to have her removed from the board by spreading falsehoods among other board members, further eroding their trust in him.

The decision to fire Altman came after weeks of intense and secretive discussions, as the board feared Altman would undermine their efforts if he got wind of their plans. Despite their careful planning, Altman was rehired as CEO just days after his dismissal following a public outcry and the replacement of most of the board members who had voted to oust him.

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Toner and fellow former board member Tasha McCauley expanded on these issues in an op-ed for The Economist, citing “long-standing patterns of behavior” as the rationale for Altman’s removal. They described an environment where executives reported negative experiences with Altman, labeling his conduct as “psychological abuse” and expressing doubts about his ability to lead the company to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Toner concluded that the board’s trust in Altman had been irreparably damaged, rendering it impossible to provide the necessary oversight for OpenAI. This breakdown in trust ultimately led to their decision to fire him, even though it did not yield the desired outcome.

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X town hall events

Musk’s X to Host Trump and RFK Jr. ‘Town Hall’ Events Ahead of Election

X town hall events

In a move that underscores Elon Musk’s political inclinations, X, formerly known as Twitter, will host “town hall” meetings with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This development highlights the platform’s shift towards right-leaning content and its efforts to engage conservative figures.

Background and Context

Since acquiring Twitter in 2022, Elon Musk has transformed the platform, reinstating accounts of right-wing conspiracy theorists, including Donald Trump. This shift aligns with Musk’s broader vision of promoting free speech, albeit with a noticeable tilt towards conservative voices.

The Town Hall Meetings

Participants and Format

The town hall meetings will feature Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. These events are set to be held in collaboration with the cable network NewsNation. Musk confirmed the news on Twitter, stating that the events “will be interesting.” However, no specific dates or additional details have been provided yet.

Invitations and Responses

An invitation was also extended to President Joe Biden. However, a source close to Biden’s campaign informed AFP that the president will not participate, choosing to focus on the scheduled debates against Trump instead.

Political Implications

Musk’s Relationship with Trump

The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump is considering Elon Musk for a potential role in his administration if he wins the upcoming election. This relationship appears to be mutually beneficial, as Musk’s platform continues to host and promote events that cater to conservative audiences.

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Previous Engagements with Conservative Politicians

This is not the first time X has sought to engage with conservative politicians. The platform hosted a Q&A session when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his presidential candidacy. Despite technical glitches that marred the event, it signified X’s ongoing efforts to attract right-leaning political figures.

Musk’s Political Stance

Elon Musk, who once donated to Democratic causes, has increasingly used his X account to propagate conspiracy theories, misinformation, and a hardline stance on immigration. Despite his active engagement in political discourse, Musk has stated he will not financially support either Trump or Biden in the upcoming election.


X’s decision to host town hall meetings with Trump and Kennedy underscores its pivot towards engaging conservative voices under Elon Musk’s leadership. As the platform continues to evolve, its role in the political landscape remains significant, especially with the upcoming election. These events are poised to further highlight Musk’s influence and the shifting dynamics within social media and politics.

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